Friday, January 18, 2013

...Vibe (giggle)

 (actual date was July 14, 2012)

Today I stepped outside for an afternoon session of MMJ. This time it was Super Silver Haze. It’s already hot outside but not too bad. It’s only 116 today which is an improvment over yesterday’s 149. That’s fahrenheit, folks. I stood in the backyard and began. The first puff was light. Tasted good. The following puffs (I’m not counting them today so if you are, just keep your own running total.) were good, especially the third, which I choked on because I got greedy with the sneak-a-toke. Fuck I hate typing that. Sneak-a-toke (dammit) needs an easier-to-type name. Hell even that was hard to type. I’m calling it SAT from now on. As I mentioned, I got greedy with the SAT (that fucking rules to type) and I choked. I knew then that I was gonna feel the high for sure. I finished my session and came inside, remembering to quickly Ozium the hallway as soon as I got into the bathroom. Then I had to close the bathroom door and Ozium the bathroom too. In case you don’t know, Ozium fucking rules. It kills the offensive (not offensive to me, but I have to respect the family’s nostrils) odor of MMJ. Buy that shit if you smoke. Just make sure you get the Original scent of Ozium, not any fruity or flowery odors, or new car smell. Unless you like new car smell and want your house to smell that way too. Like new house smell. But it smells like a car. Just remember: Original scent Ozium. Buy it at Wal*Mart. By the way, I’m not writing it as Walmart, which is their new way of doing it, but as Wal*Mart, which was the original way and looks way cooler when you type it. See what I mean about Originals? Original scent Ozium is the best Ozium to get, and the original Wal*Mart logo is way cooler to type. Originals, folks. As I was saying I got inside and began to wash up a little to get the smell of MMJ off of me in an attempt to once again respect my family’s nostrils.

As I was washing up, I realized that I think like a writer. Not a good writer. I’m not saying that, I’m just saying I think as if I’m reading my thoughts aloud to everyone in the world all at once. Sharing my thoughts here, folks. So I think like a writer, so my internal monologue continuously thinks on, annoying me. The only time it’s not rambling on is when I talk, so when I’m talking with people, I tend to try to rule the conversation. But it’s only to shut the internal monologue off for awhile. That fucker never shuts up. So I talk alot. So now I’m sitting here writing this, listening to Meco Star Wars on my MP3 player. It’s not some fancy iPod or whatever the hell those expensive things are, but just a nice functional, affordable Philips MP3 Player. GoGear Vibe. That makes me giggle like a 12 year old boy in the midst of puberty when he hears the word ‘vibe’. Yeah, that’s I called them when I was 12. My GoGear Vibe (giggle) is good enough for me. Sure I’d like an iPod or whatever, but I don’t need one. GoGear! VIBE! (giggle)

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