Friday, January 18, 2013

A Very Early Day

(originally written August 15, 2012)

I'm up early today. Very early. Eddie decided to get up at 7am. It's only been 5 hours since I went to bed. Oh well. I got him situated with some Cheerios and left him slyly in Papa's care. I step outside for my morning constitutional. Dreadnok again today.

It's a nice morning. A cool, quiet Sunday morning. It's not hot yet. I watch the sprinklers on the golf course and listen to the sound they make. I notice the insects are busy doing whatever they do. Spiders have been busy in the tree. Some flies are buzzing around. One flying bug is just hovering over the shrubs, moving a few inches then hovering, just doing his bug thing.

It's gonna get hot today. But right now the day is perfect. I hope for a nap later, when Eddie takes his, but we'll see what happens. You know what's funny? My interior monologue is running slow, like a tape recorder when the batteries are getting low. I know it's from the MMJ, but more from last night's bedtime Poison AK-47 session. That stuff puts you down.

I was trying to have some intimate time alone if you know what I'm saying, and it got ruined. TMI I know. But it must be told. I wondered what it's like for a young girl when she has her first real orgasm. What if she just totally lost control of herself and shat all over the place? She's riding one guy, and another moves up behind her to get in the back way and all of the sudden she yells, "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Then her ass erupts with disgusting shit. The guy behind her yells, "She just shit all over me!" Another yells, "Plug that hole! What are you doing? Get in there!" Then he has to move in and plug that erupting shithole himself. Gross? Yes. Funny? Funny enough to ruin my solo romance time.

You know what else is funny? We have a box of Wildlicious Pop Tarts in the pantry and last night when I was looking for munchies, I glanced at the Pop Tarts and read the name as 'Malodorous'. No thanks. I don't need any malodorous Pop Tarts.

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